Tuesday, November 13, 2012

MullayanGiri-Kemunagundi Trekking

Trip Route: Bangalore-Chikkamagalore-Mullayanagiri-Kemmangundi-Murudeshwara-Bangalore

Travel Mode: TT hired

Travel Distance:1300KMS

Trip Date: 4-5th Dec 2010

Team: Ujjivan Employees, 14 People

Summary of Trip:

MullayanaGiri Falls
Team @ Hills
Well, this has planned trip with all our colleagues. We choose Mullayanagiri for Trekking. We started our journey from Koramangala at around 10PM in the night on 3rd Dec 2010. Myself, Kumar and other Ujjivan colleagues were added in the trip. We had nitght journey from Bangalore to Chikkamagalore. We had had drinks through out the night with rocking songs.We reached Chikkamagalore on next day morning around 6AM , i was buzzed a lot and making so fun  with friends. We all went to Top hills of Mullayanagiri, Hills were looking like heaven in the morning mist. We liked hills like ourselves. We thought of doing trek at hills, but we were not able to do trek as we did not have proper guide. We planned of trek at Kemmungundi hills. So we moved to Kemmungundi hills where we had lunch. we started trekking over there. We trekked almost 10Kms from hills to Falls. We reached falls called Habbe which was looking excellent, I think that is most beautiful falls ever seen till then. We were being watered each other. We started our trek back from falls to hills but time was about 8PM in the night. Forest was too blacky. we were not able to see any things near by us. we though of doing night trek but we didn't have lights and also one of team mates was being injured hence we hired jeep to reach hills.  We reached hills at around 9PM there we had planned of night journey to Murudeshwara Beach next day.
Habbe Falls

Team @ Habbe Falls
On the way, we got restaurant where we had lot of drinks and foods. we danced and enjoyed lot. We were worried about Driver as he was too slow in driving and not co-operating with us. I guess Driver is most important for any successful and enjoyable trip. We reached Murudeshwar on next day morning . we had break fast then started our play in the beach, We played like anything.

Murudeshwara Beach
We played "Kabbadi" on the beach which was very interesting . Offcourse i did good performance. We had nice lunch with fishes and Non veg in the afternoon. We left the place by around 4PM to reach Bangalore early in the next morning. We went to Jog Falls at around 7PM but we couldn't see falls as it was too dark. We reached Sagara at around 9PM where we had dinner with again party. It was like different experience. In this trip, we enjoyed lot of food and drinks. We  left Sagara and reached Bangalore on the next day morning at around 8AM but it was too late as driver didn't drive properly.However, we reached Bangalore with safety


Monday, November 12, 2012

Short Trip-Gaganachukki Falls Jacks Native Place

Date of Travel: 11-July-2012

This Trip is kind of a different experience I had ever in my life. Jack, who's one of my best friends invited us for lunch (off course with drinks) . On Sunday 11-July-2012, we decided to start our journey by bike. It was raining by drops , It was about 6AM in the morning. We were travelling through rain which was amazing, We reached near to Kanakapura where we had snacks. We were moving in the beautiful nature and amazing rain I ever had.

Near Lake

Kanakapura Main Rd

Then we started our journey from falls to jack's village for lunch. We were riding bike through forest with lot of buzz. We were speeding and thrilling our moments. We went to Jack's Home where we had lunch ( Ragi Ball, Chicken, Rice) Offcourse Lunch was nice.  Then  time was about 4PM in the afternoon. we started our journey from village to Bangalore. We had been travelling through rain itself. We came to Bangalore at around 7PM in the evening on the same day.

Techz At Falls

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Mystical Munnar Journey

Date of Travel: 19-20th Nov 2011

Yes, this was almost planned for 2 months prior to schedule. I finally did with everybody's co-operation and understanding and managed cost and time in planned way. Well, we started our journey @ Bommanhalli, Bangalore at around 11PM in the night on 19th Nov 2011. We had traveled throughout night to Coimbatore where we planned to visit palakkad hills and falls. We had morning walk around palakkad hills and nice break fast we had together. We brought break fast from bangalore iteself. There was falls Kovai Kuttralam Falls looking beautiful.

Kovai Kuttralam Falls

We walked through forest to reach falls. We cheered, danced and enjoyed like anything in falls. We were playing waterball game in the falls but unfortunately palm of leg was injured  to Murugesh (Difin's Friend ) by piece of glass lying there. We left the falls by around 1PM to reach the Dhoni Hills for trekking. We had lunch at around 2PM at coimbatore and reached to Dhoni Hills at around 3:30PM unfortunately,we got to know that there was restirction to entry into Dhoni Hills beyond 3PM so we had upset but not to waste time we had Plan"B" thus we went to Palakkad city Fort. There was called HyderAli Fort very beautiful and largest fort too. 

Palakkad Fort

We took nice snaps at fort and came to park where we had small talks and then went inside City. Myself, Jack and Suresh had drinks at Bar which we searched for about 1KMs. Then we had altogether dinner at hotel there. We left Palakkad at around 10PM to reach Munnar (180Kms from Palakkad) .

I really get bad experience in the morning around 2AM as i had to go latrine, It was so urgent. I told  driver to stop the vehicle at place where we get water but we didn't get water in proper place. Finally i managed to get water and went freely. So we had freshened in near falls at Munnar morning around 7PM.Falls water was too cold and nobody had willingness to bath. but Dhivin had to bath as i promised him that we  would be going to falls.He didn't bath there as it was too cold. We had breakfast and went to Mettupatty dam where some people did shopping and went to Kundala Lake dam which was looking awesome, some of people went to boating.

Kundal Lake

We went to Top Hills station, we shouldn't miss this place as we feel really experience of nature beauty through the lining hills. This hills belong to Kerala and Tamilandu as well. It was about 2PM in the after noon . there was too chill  around there. we had lunch and left the place at around 3PM 

Top Hills Station

then planned to Devikulam but again it was restricted to entry at the time then  planned of visiting Lakkom waterfalls, on the way we got beautiful tea garden it was like heaven there ( it comes Munnar-Udmalpet Road) we had experienced throughout mist which was amazing . we went to falls, then it was about 6PM . I told Dhivin to bath but he didn't do as it too cold again like in the morning falls. We got snaps and had nice snacks at falls. We reached to Udmalpet to reach banngalore. we had dinner at udmalpet .We came back to banaglore at around 6AM in the next morning 21st Nov 2011


Tea Plantation Munnar
Tea Plantation on the way to Udumulpet from Munnar